Flakon offers on its site, the possibility for our customers to rate the products that we offer and to post reviews via the various forms of our partner platforms (Judge.me, TrustPilot, Google Review, etc.)
The posting of a review by an Internet user on the product description sheet implies prior acceptance and compliance with these conditions of use.
The main objective of the possibility of giving one's opinion on the site www.flakon.fr is to create a space for expression and contribution for Internet users in relation to the products they buy and know, in order to allow them to freely give their opinion and to inform buyers of the site in a fair and constructive spirit .
The aim is therefore to bring out the opinions present, to respect points of view and to allow Internet users to form an opinion.
There are two ways to leave comments on the site:
The “verified purchase” review: review requested by Flakon via a form using a solution specialized in collecting customer reviews such as TrustPilot or Judge.me, sent by email following a purchase on our site.
Unverified review: review left directly on our website, flakon.fr, via the “Reviews” page or indirectly on Flakon’s review pages on the internet (Judge.Me, TrustPilot, Google, etc.)
The review, verified as unverified, is then subject to moderation according to the rules described below.
Customers who submit a review must comply with the following conditions: be a natural person, not be in a situation of conflict of interest and have had personal experience of consuming the product on which their review is based.
In addition, reviews must:
Flakon reserves the right to contact the author of the review for verification purposes in case of doubt regarding the authenticity of the reviews.
After moderation, "verified purchase" reviews are displayed on product descriptions, in the "Customer Reviews" tab, and on the general "Reviews" page. Unverified reviews are only displayed on the general "Reviews" page.
No compensation is provided by Flakon in exchange for submitting a review, except for possible future and temporary promotional codes as an incentive to attach photographs to support the authenticity of posted reviews. Furthermore, a reviewer will never be asked for compensation of any kind, financial or in-kind, in exchange for modifying or deleting their review.
Reviews are sorted by default to highlight product photos to help consumers form a true opinion about what they're getting. Reviews can also be sorted in other orders, such as newest first, highest rated first, worst first, most helpful (i.e., by popularity), or videos first.
Publication is instant for all reviews, whether positive or negative.
Flakon undertakes, through its partner, not to indefinitely retain the personal data of consumers who submit a customer review via the solutions offered.
To this end, Flakon, via its partner, anonymizes Customer Reviews by only allowing the display of the first names and initials of the depositors.
Comments and reviews are subject to moderation.
Moderation is a process following the publication of a review which aims to ensure that the collected content complies with French law.
As such, rating partners such as Judge.me undertake to comply with these regulations as well as the AFNOR NF Z74-501 standard, as well as the general conditions of use available on their site .
Moderation aims to verify this compliance with a view to maintaining or deleting said content.
Thus, Flakon reserves the right to delete at any time, comments or opinions including personal information relating to the author of the comment or any third party or opinions containing insulting or defamatory remarks against the author or any legal or natural person or which would be contrary to the law and in particular defamatory, violent, racist, pedophile remarks, calling for murder or suicide, inciting hatred or discrimination. The content of sellers' comments must not infringe copyright or any third party rights.
Reviews may also be subject to refusal of publication for the following reasons:
In the event that the review is not maintained after moderation, and where possible, the customer who submitted the review may be informed of the rejection of their review and the reason for the rejection.
The Internet user authorizes, free of charge, the use of the comments and all the content of which he is the author (text, photos and videos) by Flakon for exploitation in relation to the marketing and promotion of the product to which it relates, in particular for the following distribution methods:
Within the scope of the destination defined above, the exploitation rights automatically granted upon publication of the notice include the following elements:
The Internet user accepts that in the context of the dissemination of comments, certain personal information concerning him/her may appear, namely: first name, first letter of last name and town of residence.
Comments and personal data from Internet users are collected and processed electronically for the purposes of managing and distributing comments.
In this context, the data collected may be transferred to a service provider for the purposes of managing the tool dedicated to comment management.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended by Law No. 2018-493 of 20 June 2018, and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), Internet users have the right to access, rectify and oppose data concerning them by sending an email to the following address: hello@flakon.fr .