Wine, Otherwise.

The best way to explore the most surprising things wine has to offer.
40,000+ Satisfied Fans
Our mission

Making oenology accessible to all through tasting experiences of rare and exclusive wines to share, to highlight the know-how of winegrowers.

To do this, we cultivate a strong partnership with our partner winegrowers in order to highlight them.


Each bottle has a capacity of two tasting glasses to share. This quantity allows you to appreciate each wine without having to buy and finish an entire bottle. In addition, all wines are rigorously selected by professionals from among the rarest and most exclusive vintages in the world.

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Unforgettable moments guaranteed

Share a tasting workshop with your loved ones guided by leaflets and explanatory videos. Let yourself be surprised by all the subtleties offered by our nugget selections.

Clément, founder of Flakon

“The idea for Flakon emerged in my mind when I worked in New York within the Champagne Louis Roederer group.

It was thanks to this experience that I was able to discover the wine industry from the inside.

The sommelier with whom I worked passed on to me all his knowledge and passion for this format, which he considered to be an excellent way to compare and taste wines to deepen his knowledge.

This is where the idea of ​​launching a project to make the world of wine more accessible was born. »